150+ English Activity for Kids

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This book provides many interesting and important English activities for children, especially children 4-10 years old. This book.can help parents introduce basic knowledge of English words and how to learn to read English. Children need help to figure out the living and non living things, kinds of animals, matters of things.

This book covers the compulsory skills in language and is equipped with adequate exercises and other additional interesting features. The book’s material is based on familiar daily content so that students quickly adapt to the English atmosphere. The content of the book is also prepared carefully to implement characteristic values. Last but not least, may this book help parents to guide their children in learning in interesting ways.

  • Tahun: 2023
  • Penerbit: Grasindo
  • Bahasa: Inggris
  • Jumlah Halaman: 80
  • File: PDF

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